EX巨龙兽(玩偶巨龙兽) エクスティラノモン Ex-Tyranomon
名字:EX巨龙兽(玩偶巨龙兽) エクスティラノモン Ex-Tyranomon
属性:疫苗 [1]
首次登场:1998年8月 数码怪兽 Ver.5
希腊语【Tyrannosaurus】暴龙属 [2]
必杀技&得意技:可爱一击 Pretty Attack プリティアタック
黑物质 Black Matter ブラックマター
注释:1、在PS游戏《数码兽世界2》中属性为「病毒」。2、Tyrannosaurus,暴龙。又名「霸王龙」,目前唯一的有效种是模式种雷克斯暴龙(Tyrannosaurus rex)或称雷克斯龙。
进化自:烂泥兽(或与巨龙兽合体进化)、巨龙兽(或与烂泥兽合体进化)、暴龙兽(蓝)(与生命手环疫苗种成熟期合体进化)、黑暗巨龙兽、黑暗蜥蜴兽、毛人兽、机械装甲兽、豺狼兽、Dark Lizamon、Dark Tyranomon、Dobermon (with a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Fangmon、Flare Lizamon (with a Vaccine Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Greymon (with a Data Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster)、Greymon (Blue) (with a Vaccine Attribute Adult Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster)、Mechanorimon、Mojyamon (with or without a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Monochromon、Raremon (with or without Tyranomon)、Stingmon (with a Vaccine or Free Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Tyranomon (with or without Raremon)、Witchmon (with a Vaccine Attribute Adult Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)
进化为:红莲骑士兽、究极吸血魔兽、外星兽、圣龙兽(与马铃薯兽合体进化)、机械邪龙兽(与安杜路兽合体进化)、寄生虫兽(与亚基利兽合体进化)、蛇颈龙兽(与巨鲸兽合体进化)、死亡兽(或与马铃薯兽合体进化)、恶魔蛋兽(或与大嘴兽合体进化)、战斗暴龙兽(与电子龙兽合体进化)、Ancient Sphinxmon (with a Virus or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Anubimon、Black War Greymon、Deathmon (with or without Jyagamon or a Vaccine or Data Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Digimon Pendulum Z)、Devitamamon (with Tocanmon)、Dukemon、EBEmon、Holydramon (with Jyagamon)、King Etemon (with Pandamon, Goburimon, and Tyumon)、Mugendramon (with Andromon or Metal Tyranomon, Andromon and Megadramon or Skull Greymon, Metal Greymon and Metal Mamemon)、Omegamon Zwart (with a Virus Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster)、Parasimon (with Archnemon)、Pinochimon、Plesiomon (with Whamon Perfect)、Venom Vamdemon (with or without Vamdemon, Dagomon and Atlur Kabuterimon (Red))、Victory Greymon (with or without a Data or Free Attribute Perfect Digimon from the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster)、War Greymon (with Cyberdramon)
Ex-Tyranomon and Waru Monzaemon emerged from Aramaki Kayono's closet in "Bad Friend". They manipulated her by making her think they were her friends so she'd allow them to turn humans into dolls through Ex-Tyranomon's Dark Matter, including Kayono's father, teacher and Udagawa Aoi, who wanted to check on her. They then made her leave home to turn even more humans into dolls, now not even those that Kayono thought had hurt her, which included Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro who bumped into her, alongside Jellymon.
Following Monzaemon, Amanokawa Hiro and Tsukiyono Ruli confronted the duo, who stopped acting as they were brought into a pseudo-Digital World without Kayono and revealed they didn't care at all about her, she was just a convenient human to allow them to do as they pleased. Monzaemon, who had entered the pseudo-Digital World, then used his Pretty Attack on them, stopping them and making them switch sides, after which they asked for forgiveness and undid the doll transformations.
Battle!! Digital Monsters
Digimon Xros Wars
《数码兽-next 0rder》
Digimon World
An Ex-Tyranomon shaped house is in Toy Town.
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer
Ex-Tyranomon is an obtainable Variable Move. Its attack raises the PP of one ally. It costs 12 VP.
Digimon World: Digital Card Battle
Ex-Tyranomon is seen in Toy Town's area picture.
Digimon World 2
Ex-Tyranomon is an obtainable enemy Digimon. Evolves from Dark Lizamon (0+ DP) or Dark Tyranomon (0-5 DP).
Digimon World 3
Ex-Tyranomon is a Perfect level brown card with 26/28 stats.
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight
Can be evolved from Mechanorimon if above level 34 and Dark EXP 4500. Can evolve to Deathmon if above level 49, defense 230, and spirit 230.
Digimon Story: Lost Evolution
Digimon Xros Arena
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red
Digimon Collectors
Digimon Crusader
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode
Ex-Tyranomon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Tyrano Brothers (ティラノブラザーズ Tirano Burazāzu) set.
Digimon Fortune
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Ex-Tyranomon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Digimon World -next 0rder-
Ex-Tyranomon is available as a Digimon Card.
Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition
Ex-Tyranomon is available as a Digimon Card.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
Ex-Tyranomon is available as a Digimon Medal.
《怪兽对打机 Ver.5》
《怪兽对打机 Ver.20th》
Digital Monster Ver. 5
Ex-Tyranomon evolves from Raremon. In order to evolve to Ex-Tyranomon, your Raremon must fight at least 15 battles with a winning percentage of 80% or greater.
Ex-Tyranomon appears in the eighth Southwest area of Desert Dome and can be unlocked by winning the "Bomb" mini-game.
Digimon Xros Loader
Digimon Fusion Loader
Digital Monster Ver.20th
Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th
Can be used as a Copymon from Digital Monster Ver.20th and can be used to Jogress to Ultimate.
Digimon Pendulum Z
Vital Bracelet Digital Monster